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Sixth Extra-Ordinary Meeting of the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission Held in Yaounde, Cameroon from 26th to 27th June, 2024
The Sixth Extra Ordinary meeting of the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission (CNMC) was held at the Hilton Hotel, Yaoundé, Cameroon on 26th and 27th June, 2024. The meeting was convened mainly to decide on the three disagreement areas, to plan for the remaining works of the CNMC and to consider the Confidence Building Initiatives (CBI). The meeting was chaired by Mr. Leonardo Santos...

FCT/Nasarawa Boundary demarcation
FCT/Nasarawa Boundary demarcation exercise as enshrined in the 1999 Nigeria constitution as amended. The pillars so emplaced iwere intended to make the Boundary visible on ground. ...

Technical Meeting of Experts on the Abia/Akwa Ibom Interstate Boundary
The meeting critically accessed the level of work done so far on the interstate boundary and analyzed the map produced on a large-scale sector by sector. The meeting worked out modalities on the next phase of work to be undertaken, and made far reaching recommendations for the approval of the joint meeting of officials (JMO). ...

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